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Jakarta, 26 Agustus 2020, Dimasa pertumbuhan ekonomi yang mulai lesu di Indonesia akibat pandemic Covid-19, PT Harrisma Informatika Jaya berhasil menjalin kerjasama dengan PT. Multi Hidrachrome Industri yang ditandai dengan Rapat Perdana (Kick Off Meeting).

PT. Multi Hidrachrome Industri (MHI) adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang "Perbaikan Dan Pembuatan Hydraulic Cylinder Serta Jasa Pelapisan Hardchrome". Dan saat ini sudah melayani lebih dari 1000 pelanggan di seluruh Indonesia. MHI didirikan pada tahun 1997 dan berhasil mempertahankan eksitensi di dunia Jasa Engeneering karena memperhatikan dan mengikuti trend perkembangan bisnis di era digital. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan keputusan dalam penggunaan Software SAP Business One. Penggunaan Software SAP Business One ini diharapkan mampu menjadi solusi yang bertujuan untuk mengotomatisasi fungsi bisnis utama dalam bidang Keuangan, Penjualan & Jasa, Pembelian & Rantai Pasokan, Perencanaan Produksi & Pengendalian Persediaan, Manajemen Proyek, dan Analisis & Intelijen Bisnis.

Acara Kick Off Meeting ini diadakan di PT. Multi Hidrachrome Industri (MHI) Daan Mogot Jakarta Barat, sebagai tanda dimulainya project Implementation SAP Business One. Acara dimulai dengan sambutan dari Bapak Sopian selaku Direktur PT. Multi Hidrachrome Industri dan dilanjutkan dengan sambutan dari Bapak Joshua Gunawan selaku General Manager Divisi Histech Solution PT Harrisma Informatika Jaya, menjelaskan bahwa project ini merupakan project bersama yang membutuhkan komitmen dari kedua belah pihak antara MHI dan Harrisma. Bapak Joshua juga mengatakan Harrisma merasa senang diberikan kepercayaan karena dipilih oleh MHI dalam project ini.

Acara dilanjutkan dengan penjelasan dari Bapak Audrey selaku Project Manager Harrisma. Bapak Audrey menjelaskan goals dan objectives yang menjadi dasar project tersebut.

Pada kesempatan baik ini, membuktikan bahwa didalam kondisi yang kurang baik seperti pandemic COVID-19 sekalipun, PT. Harrisma Informatika Jaya tetap memberikan performa terbaik dan dapat diandalkan. Acara Kick Off meeting ini berjalan selama 2 jam dan diakhiri dengan foto bersama.

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Apakah Anda seorang bisnis owner? Jika ya, mungkin Anda telah seringkali mendengar tentang System Application and Processing (SAP), yaitu sebuah aplikasi yang banyak digunakan penggiat bisnis dalam melakukan integrasi terhadap bisnis yang dijalankannya.


SAP Business One adalah perangkat lunak manajemen bisnis (ERP) yang dirancang untuk usaha kecil dan menengah. yang dijual oleh perusahaan Jerman SAP SE.

Namun, Tidak hanya itu, Bisnis dalam perusahaan besarpun juga cocok menerapkan SAP Business One dalam divisi dan sub divisinya. Sebagai solusi SAP Business One bertujuan untuk mengotomatisasi fungsi bisnis utama dalam bidang Keuangan, Penjualan & Peluang Usaha, Pembelian & Rantai Pasokan, Perencanaan Produksi & Pengendalian Persediaan, Manajemen Proyek, dan Analisis & Intelijen Bisnis.

SAP Business One dapat mempersingkat proses-proses utama yang berlangsung dalam perusahaan, membuka wawasan lebih kepada bisnis perusahaan, dan mengambil keputusan-keputusan bisnis berdasarkan informasi real-time.

Tentunya, hal ini akan mendatangkan pertumbuhan keuntungan bagi perusahaan. Dan berdasarkan data April 2020, jumlah perusahaan yang menggunakan beragam product SAP di seluruh dunia berjumlah 440,000 perusahaan di 180 negara. Update terakhir bisa dilihat disini.

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While the full extent of COVID-19's global impact is yet unknown, it's a good idea to take precautionary measures to protect yourself, your employees and your business.

In light of this pandemic, it's important to stay updated on health guidelines from trusted organizations like the local government website for Corona Virus News (Indonesia -, World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or Public Health Emergency. Ensure you're getting information from reliable sources to avoid spreading misinformation.

While hospitals and governments work to keep people healthy and safe, many businesses like yours are continuing to provide customers with what they need during this period.

General Tips

Here’s a list of best practices you can consider to keep your business running smoothly:

  1. Keep Your Business Safe Update your employees with the latest news, developments and health regulations. Provide this information in multiple languages to make sure everyone understands. Look out for common symptoms of the corona virus like a dry cough, shortness of breath and/or fever. Create hygiene stations in the workplace and make sure your team is following protocol to keep everyone healthy. Encourage employees to work from home if they're not feeling well, or if they traveled recently.

  2. Postpone Events, Services or Appointments Be flexible with your scheduling. When possible, postpone your business offerings to a later date or convert your appointments, services and events from off-line to on-line for example: HisTech ( - Consulting & Implementation company that offering ERP Implementation on-line services.

  3. Respond Quickly to Refunds Avoid chargebacks by handling refunds as quickly as possible. Keep in mind, the refund process differs according to your payment provider. If you have to refund customers, give them a good reason to return to your business. Offer a coupon or discount for their next purchase as compensation. Moreover, show them you value their business and their patience.

  4. Be Transparent Communicate proactively. Encourage your customers to put their trust in you. If you have a website, here are some ways you can reach out to your customers and employees: - Live chat with customers, or booking on-line your appointments. Keep customers updated on your events, product inventory or services. - Use email marketing to let customers know about changes to your business or special offerings. - Create a forum and actively respond to questions and concerns from your community. - Write a blog article detailing what your business is doing to keep your customers safe. - Update your followers on social media with any relevant information.

  5. Update Your Site Keep your customers in the loop. Update your website and social media pages with any changes to your work hours, shipping delays or event/service cancelations. Add an FAQ section to your site to address customer concerns.

  6. Modify Your Payment Options Try to limit your transactions to contact-less “tap” payments, or encourage customers to pay online using their phones. If using a POS system, disable on-screen signatures. You may even want to opt for online invoicing to digitize the payment process as much as possible.

  7. Get Creative Be prepared to think on your feet and work around issues as they arise. Consider innovative solutions and be flexible so you can ensure customers will return. There is no one-size-fits-all plan. Find solutions that are right for you and your business.

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