Today, we welcome PT MEDIVA to “SAP Business One professional family“. PT MEDIVA established in 2011 as a distributor medical equipment that focus on Dermatology for aesthetic and also healthy purpose as phototherapy. Beside as a Dermatology distributor PT MEDIVA also represent the medical equipment.
At December 20, 2021, we have done Kick-Off Meeting SAP Business One Project Implementation running on Huawei Cloud together with PT MEDIVA, HUAWEI CLOUD & PT Harrisma Informatika Jaya at MEDIVA Office and We hope that SAP Business One will help PT MEDIVA to streamlined all internal processes and prepare the imminent and spectacular growth of the company.
Thank you for choosing us PT Harrisma Informatika Jaya to be your ERP Implementor that uses #SAPBusinessOne as the perfect platform to support this industry, and thank you for choosing Huawei Cloud to run SAP Business One
#LovetheBrand and grow your Business.
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