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PT Harrisma Informatika Jaya holding event “Harrisma Golf Tournament & Technology Forum” on Thursday, Maret 24th, 2022.

This event featured technology brands such as SAP Business One, ZKTeco, Docuflo, Huawei Cloud, Ritase, Brother, CyberPower, Hytera, JANZ, Motorola Solutions, Uniview, and Zebra.

In this event Histech (Harrisma Solution Division) provide insights and Technology update for all audience how to growth & survive in this situation.

For more information please contact:

E-mail :

WhatsApp : +6281388217878).

See you next event!

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Harrisma bersama Huawei Cloud dan SAP Business One menggelar C-level Gathering dengan tajuk "Cloud Infinite Performance" bertempat di Handara Golf & Resort Bali. Selama 25-27 November 2021 berlangsung dengan agenda fun golf dan business update. Diharapkan acara ini dapat saling mengakrabkan diri dan memberikan solusi bisnis bagi para peserta.

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We are proudly to inform the Go Live and Project Closing of SAP Business One Implementation at PT. Cantik Alam Sentosa on January 13th, 2022.

PT. Cantik Alam Sentosa (Whitelab) has implemented SAP Business One modules (Financial, Sales Order / AR. Fixed Assets, Purchasing /AP, Business Partner, Banking, Inventory, Production, MRP) with SAP HANA as a database.

It's an honor to finally we have done the implementation of SAP Business One project on time, successfully and running smoothly with PT. Cantik Alam Sentosa

We wish the journey of corporate success continue even in coming years.


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